Thursday, December 5, 2019

What are the Positive and Negative Effects of Mass Media free essay sample

Mass media, by communicating with large amounts of people, can have a huge impact on the public’s knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours. Firstly, body image has a huge contribution on public when receiving mixed messages through mass media. Second, mental health has become an issue by poorly influencing self-esteem. Third, physical health has been portrayed poorly in media by promoting unhealthy habits that can become addictive as having more immediate plessure. Fourthly, media has implimated ways in which it can also promote positive outcomes of health. Mass media plays a positive and negative role on health of modern day North Americans. Making health influential on all North Americans. Body Image Many modern day North Americans have a daily concern with being uncomfortable in their own body with many pressures from mass media. Mass media is sending out mixed messages, advertising both junk food and a so called perfect body image influencing how men and women look at themselves. For some getting thin becomes an obsession. Ironically, there are more obese teens than ever before because of lifestyle choices of eating junk food more often than fruits and vegetable. (Jane D. Brown, 2002) As well as, having more distractions inside with electronic types of media that keep many North Americans from getting the recommended amount of exercise needed. The media is playing a role here in two ways. Firstly, is the act of attending media, because it requires no physical movement involved (Jane. D Brown, 2002). Having no contribution to the health aspect of one’s life then contributes to the result of weight gain. Many children and adults spend endless amounts of time sitting in front of some type of an electronic device screen. Those for example that sit in front of the television tend to consume snack foods that are typically high in fat and sugars. â€Å"People see an average of 12 to 21 food ads per day (4400–7600 ads per year), yet fewer than 165 ads that promote fitness or good nutrition. † (Robinson T. N,1999 pg. 5)(293)Furthermore, video games is a major contributor for particularly teen boys, making them more likely to be obese. Many can stay in one spot for hours on end without even realising the time that is passing. Thus, making sleep less of a priority which is a main part of regenerating their immune system and boosting their metabolism and mood. â€Å"In the 2011 National Poll on Childrens Health, obesity was the number 1 health problem that parents worry about. † (Amy B. Jordan, 2012,pg. 8). Obesity represents a clear danger to health and well-being, leaving many if not already at risk of diabetes. Second, â€Å"the media portray food and people in a way that leads paradoxically to both obesity and an obsession with thinness. † (Jane. D Brown, 2002 pg.  195). Going anywhere there are constant reminders of unhealthy foods, whether it is billboards, magazines, advertisements through apps such as Twitter or Facebook, as well as television being a huge advertisement for junk food. On television alone food particularly sweet snacks, are referred to throughout a half an hour program three to five times; leaving the idea of junk food drilled into the consumers head. Yet with all the advertising of unhealthy choices, models still continue to get slimmer with the average person’s weight increasing. Teenage girls are the most at risk for developing eating disorders while living in a society that sells them junk food and tells them to be thin. Magazine pictures have the strongest impact on how girls feel they should look. â€Å"Of the girls, 69% reported that magazine pictures influence their idea of the perfect body shape, and 47% reported wanting to lose weight because of magazine pictures,† (Jane. D Brown, 2002 pg. 196). What many are not realising is how often pictures that are seen in magazines are photo shopped and are not unaltered photos. Mental Aspects It is good to be aware of how mass media can impact issue of self-esteem that can lead to depression or suicide. Parents especially need to be aware of images that are perceived as perfect by adolescents can affect them, along with the big issue of cyber bullying. Many children take the obsession of having to look a certain way too far and make harming reality because they are trying to look that way or know that they will never be able to meet such standards leading to low self-esteem or depression. Many teens are victims of cyber bulling and do not know who to turn to because of the fear of more embarrassment. â€Å"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention actually issued guidelines in 2003 for reporting suicide in the media, which asks TV stations and newspapers to avoid sensationalizing suicides (eg, Kurt Cobain) or glorifying the person involved,† (Amy B. Jordan, 2012 pg. 14). Alcohol and Tobacco Influence Alcohol and tobacco are highly influenced through mass media on North Americans. Adolescents are the most at risk because of their vulnerability. Most adults that are addicted to tobacco and alcohol started in their younger years. â€Å"Alcohol appears in more than 70% of prime-time television shows and in 90% of movies,† (Roberts DF, Henriksen L, 1999 pg. 77). Many major characters are drinking alcohol and show a variety of benefits that are more appealing than the few consequences that may arise. Adolescents are more often seeing benefits such as masculinity, sexual attraction, and adventure as the more appealing aspect, prompting them to try. The few negative features may be such things like hangovers, violence, and embarrassment. When young having the seeing such people that one might look up to will easily outweigh the judgement of a parent when trying to be more independent. This however does not mean parents cannot impact their children. â€Å"Some researchers estimate that more than half of all smoking initiation is caused by exposure to smoking in movies. Preteens whose parents forbid them from seeing R-rated movies are less likely to begin smoking or drinking. †( Jackson C, 2007 pg. 260). This unfolds how strong the impact of media is on influencing discussions. Alcohol remains the highest portrayed drug on television, with recent shows such as Jersey Shore or other dramas like Gossip Girl consuming large quantities of alcohol on multiple occasions. There are many views that are great fans of the shows and idolise these actors and pick up influences like this. Mass Media Promoting Health In many ways promoting health through mass media by communicating to a large amount of people can easily help promote inspiration, motivation, and education of expanding knowledge about health. Mass media can influence people behaviour and empower them to change their behavior to advocate healthier ways (Alan Maryon-Davis, 2012). Healthh promotion is all about helping people to help themselves to better health. Many aids are being created to try to help protmote health, new products have created a way to combine exercise with gaming, such as Wii Fit. (Amy B. Jordan, 2012) This gives many the opportunity to exercise at home, as well as games such as from this influence physical education at some school. The games on the Wii fit or another example being Dance Revolution are effective in weight loss and a positive way to make exercising family time at home. This may be an expensive device but it is far less than a treadmill and creates exercise for anyone to enjoy what they like. Many fashion icons has as well tried putting a positive spin on their approach as well. Manikins with average size models rather then unrealistically thin models are starting to appear more often. More women â€Å"are experiencing a ‘relief’ effect, feeling more positive about their bodies after viewing average-size models†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Phillippa C. Diedrichs, 2010). Knowing this suggests that average-size models can promote positive body image and appeal to the consumers at the same time. Celebrity images often are altered so now with more celebrities stepping up to make sure they are not putting their body out for the public eye to see a false image, the way Beyonce did when HM recreated her body is sending out a positive message, especially for adolescents. Having these positive reinforces so consumers do not have unrealistic expectations is a great way in boosting self-confidence for less obsessing over thinness.

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